Always in sight of your stock

Make the most out of NedFox’ RetailVista ePOS solution and easily and accurately manage your stock!

With our ePOS solution RetailVista, you can easily maintain accurate stock levels without any headaches or time consuming processes. Accurate stock control can be achieved naturally through good use of our software.

In simple terms you can get in to this cycle; Scan and sell goods – Raise Purchase Orders for replenishment of goods sold – Receive the Purchase Order – Re-Stock the shelves – Scan and sell the goods. And repeat. What is important about this cycle is that we allow you to do this in very easy ways without adding lots of extra work.

Of course there are other factors that can affect your stock levels such as; using goods in-house, theft, breakage, eaten or destroyed by pests, plants died, and many more. We can simply assign stock like this as wastage, with as many wastage reasons as you like. We then allow the power of our reporting module to always be able to recall (in as much detail as you require) these wasted products.

So how do we keep stock control simple without causing extra work for you and your business?

  • Selling Goods through the till / Sales Orders – Each item of stock sold is decremented automatically in realtime. From the moment the goods are sold, sales reports and order generation is possible, again due to the cutting edge nature of our realtime cloud based solution
  • Stock at other sites, warehouses and stock rooms can be viewed simply (for when Site A has run out, but nearby Site B or the warehouse has stock)
  • Refunds – When goods are refunded the total site stock naturally increases in realtime by number of items refunded
  • Purchase Orders – Orders can be raised in several ways; Auto Stock (calculated from actual sales), Min/Max, RetailVista Mobile (Short lines or empty shelves can be scanned and quantities added to orders)
  • Goods In – Orders that arrive can be simply counted and received, Goods can be scanned in with quantities using RetailVista Mobile, differences reporting (between what was ordered and what has arrived)
  • Stock Taking – Simply and effectively performed with our cutting edge APP; RetailVista Mobile available for iOS and Android as well as our own ruggedised PDA
  • Simple product wastage/damaged/theft/etc write off routine with powerful reporting
  • Product Statistic reports for either total stock and valuations, line by line stock and valuations or individual stock line reporting
  • Backoffice anywhere, anytime – Check your stock and sales from anywhere in the world on virtually any internet connected device via a browser. On your holidays or from your living room, you can always keep up to the minute with your business

RetailVista Mobile is such a powerful tool, it is effectively like having the backoffice and parts of the till all in the palm of your hand. Available on a PDA (supplied by us) and on phones via our APP on the Apple store or Play store for iOS and Android devices, this cutting edge APP brings your backoffice to the shop floor, your living room or a beach in Spain on your holidays. With RetailVista Mobile you can always be connected to your business and spend much less time stuck behind a PC.

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    ERP Retailvista

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