Categorie: Projecten

Exceptional performance achieved by Aylings Garden Centre of Trotton

Within a month after buying the old, depleted Maple Ridge Garden Centre from the receivers, the new owners, Green Club Ltd re-invigorated this great garden centre to its former glory – Aylings Garden Centre, on the A272 near Petersfield, Hampshire. After selecting NedFox’ RetailVista as their ePOS provider, the Partners decided to use the services […]

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Cherry Hill Garden Centre (Middlesbrough) moves into ‘The Cloud’

Database conversion:During March 2018, just before Easter, the Cherry Hill (Swan/G7) database was converted into RetailVista. Main tills:Upon arrival, the main- and restaurant tills where set-up. Within a couple of hours Cherry Hill was operating the new RetailVista tills. All cashiers were trained personally, in under 30 minutes each. For the cashiers the operating of […]

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